Tuesday, April 14, 2009

"Dr." Laura on working moms

So first of all, Dr. Laura can SUCK IT! She's been pretty much anti-single mother as long as I've know of her existence, and she has now released a new book strongly urging all mothers to stay at home.

Titled In Praise of Stay-at-Home-Moms, the book explains why mothers who work - either by choice or because they feel it’s necessary - are shortchanging their children, and themselves. (insert my first "hey, fuck you!" here.) Some enlightening exerpts from this new body of work:

"My heart hurts for what these women miss and what their children miss from them,” Dr. Laura tells the Wall Street Journal. “No argument, no criticism. My heart just hurts — because when you get those pudgy arms around your neck, and being told you’re someone’s lullaby — the fact that a woman would miss that is so, so sad.”

OMG, really? sad? Yeah, it actually SUCKS Dr. Laura! You think my heart didn't break every single time I had to walk out that door and leave my darling baby? Are you kiddin' me?? Yeah, my heart hurts too for what I had to miss, and quite frankly, you shoving it my face makes it NO better. Pointing out the obvious in such a salacious and condescending manner isn't helpful.

She says that while women may find it financially difficult to stay at home - particularly in these tough economic times - it’s just a matter of setting priorities and making it happen.

Really? So here's my priority: keeping a fucking roof over my head and food on my table you stupid simplistic idiot! Financially difficult? Try welfare! If I don't work, my kid goes hungry, or worse eats a steady diet of McDonalds because that's all i can afford to get her with my food stamps and welfare check. I have no one to fall back on! And with all the recent press around Octo-mom (i know, not exactly an apples to apples comparison but still) I'm sure we all get how *horrible* it is to be a single mother on welfare.

As for what she’d like to tell women who are reluctant to leave the workforce, Dr. Laura says:

“I tell these women to look in their children’s eyes. When your husband comes home, wrap your body around him at the door and look at his eyes. What people need to learn is that it’s not about the drudgery of housework — it’s about being at home for all of those incredible moments that make your life more valuable than the person who replaced you at work. No one can replace mom. Kids who don’t have moms suffer a lifetime.”

Um, hate to break it to ya, I DON'T HAVE A HUSBAND! I have no one to "wrap my body around" other than my sweet child, which i do from literally the second I pick her up until we snuggle down together at night. Oh yes Laura, I still cosleep with my six year old, which I'm sure you, as a stay at home mom, would be completely disgusted with.

Wait, what's that you say? oh, YOU WENT BACK TO WORK? WTF??!!

"Herself a mom of one, Dr. Laura says that while she did return to work after her son entered school, she arranged her schedule so that she could always be home with her child."

Well lucky you. Seriously? I guess I should have been a doctor because no one else I know is able to make it on a flex schedule. I purposely work at 6:30 am so that I can leave early. Granted, I'm never allowed to leave early enough to meet my child at school, but I still gain at least an extra hour with her by rearranging my schedule.

But wait, again, how did HER son turn out? Let's see... here's a headline:
Monday, May 21, 2007

Dr. Laura's Son Investigated by Army
The soldier son of talk radio relationship counselor Laura Schlessinger is under investigation for a graphic personal Web page that one Army official has called "repulsive." The MySpace page, publicly available until Friday when it disappeared from the Internet, included cartoon depictions of rape, murder, torture and child molestation; photographs of soldiers with guns in their mouths; a photograph of a bound and blindfolded detainee captioned "My Sweet Little Habib"; accounts of illicit drug use; and a blog entry headlined by a series of obscenities and racial epithets.

Gee, guess staying at home didn't help your kid after all, now did it? Though I suppose you would counter by pointing out that if you had gone back before he was in school, lord knows he could have turned out to be a murderer! Guess having a doctorate in P.E. (yes, physical education) doesn't actually qualify you to bitch slap us single mamas.

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